Real Play Games Podcast

The Bone Age©: Blood River Ep. 1 - My Soft Hands Replaced by Claws

Real Play Games Podcast Players Season 14 Episode 1

On the sweltering living continent of Kalsentia, the temperature isn't the only thing that's up!  Tensions between the jungle-dwelling Red Wader village and the lowland-dwelling Kyteholdr peoples due to the disappearance of the Elder Prophet Gemekala, and fingers are being pointed on both sides as hostilities start to mount.  To add to the issue, pollution has begun issuing downstream, causing frightful mutations and scaring off the wildlife both tribes need to sustain themselves!  Who better than a bunch of strangers from other tribes who've blundered into the whole mess and the least intelligent Red Wader tribe member ever to solve it before it turns to all-out tribal warfare?
Episode 1/4

Content Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Body Horror (extreme mutation), Gore (Piercing Injuries), Profanity, Violence

Blar son of Grah son of Blar is Steve
Moss of Mo is Roy
Thraa is Ames
Hou'dza the Sly is Obie
Fragilly Stillhere is Harm

The Bone Age©:Blood River is a Real Play Games Podcast production.  The Bone Age© is © Copyright 2020 by Bill Edmunds.  All rights reserved.  You can find it and the rest of Cunning Plan’s great RPG products on, and you can support the show at no cost to yourself when you buy them by using our affiliate link included in the show notes!

Our theme song is “Dinosaurs On The Serengeti” by the talented MarcBeasley and is used under an individual license which includes synch licensing.

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